A Place That Helps
With Postpartum health

A confinement centre that fuses traditional and scientific confinement practices for new mothers and newborn babies to rest, recover and rejuvenate during the first month after childbirth.

We provide services such as mother nursing, baby nursing, postnatal massage, pelvic bone realignment, confinement meal therapy, postnatal courses, etc.

24 Hrs CCTV

WarmShine’s specially designed nursery is equipped with individual wireless CCTV accessible through mobile app, so that the family can see the baby not bounded by time and distance.

Cozy living place

Warm soothing colors paired with comfortable music infuses with natural aromatherapy and optimal air filtration blend in to provide a relaxing and empowering experience.

Private Wash Hair

WarmShine provides a personal hair wash and shampoo service periodically. Ultimately, keeping mummies’ hair clean and fresh can alleviate the overall mood and wellbeing of mummies.

Herbal Bath

WarmShine provides Balsamiferou Blumea Herbal combined with a variety of natural herbs boiled bath water for sponge bath or shower. This practice is effective in expelling wind and reducing future problems of muscle and joint pain.


Postpartum massage can help rejuvenate the body and spirit after being subjected to prolonged stress and tension, while effectively help in expelling pathogenic wind and contraction of the uterus.

Baby massage can help baby sleep, promote baby digestion, soothe baby's mood and make newborns grow healthier.

Baby Care

WarmShine implements absolute strict standards for the nursery. WarmShine’s baby care operations encompass the engagement of professional nurses, uses of air filtration, regular sterilization, cross-infection prevention measures, baby skin-friendly products and etc.

We are a professional and
careful team

The WarmShine team consists of medical consultants, dietitians, Chinese physicians, baby care specialists, certified postpartum consultants, postpartum counselors, lactation consultants and trained nurses to ensure that mummies and their babies receive the best professional and comprehensive care from top to toe.

Knowledge & Experience

professionally trained

Warmshine Mommy Gallery

Our Testimonials

Jason Lim

第二胎了,还是选择回到温馨月子中心,喜欢这里的服务,护理姐姐,工作人员和kakak都很棒,可以放心把宝宝交给护理们照料,安心坐月。 感谢在这段期间的帮忙,两次都是很棒的体验,值得推荐。👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Emily Tan

很感谢这里的一切 无论是看护.厨房人员还是女佣的态度和服务都非常非常好 很庆幸我选择了这里 让我很轻松的度过这一个月的月子期❤️ 再来就是看护照顾宝宝都很有耐心 有什么问题也会第一时间通知 让我真的可以很放心好好休息😴 厨房呢可以说是有求必应 想吃什么不想吃什么只要交代了就会安排好 让我特别有胃口🤤 最后就是这边的卫生真的很好 每天都是干干净净的 心情也就特别好🥰 总结就是温馨月子中心真的是一个特别好的选择👍🏻

Erynn Ong

I’m feel so blessed and grateful to choose stay with WarmShine Confinement Centre throughout this 40 days. Truthfully, a big thanks to their team for being so caring and helpful in taking care of me and my baby. The overall experience has been very pleasant. The room is clean and cozy. The nurses are very professional, caring and attentive to baby which gives me a peace of mind to rest well. Food and beverages are well provided, nutritious and yummy.

Tiffany Ng

很开心能来这里坐月,这里的一切都很舒适干净😊没后悔来这里坐月,这里的所有人都很友善:有一对一的亲喂,拍隔和抱孩子的教学;有小助理帮忙处理我需求的点点滴滴;有kakak们帮我照顾我那粘人的“小木薯”,真的很感激她们 其实有了第一个孩子后我做怕的就是堵奶,还好这里有kakak帮我按摩通乳👍🏻,我才没有想第一次这样产后堵奶到变石头奶 食物也很好吃,最喜欢就是这里的咖喱鸡和蜜汁鸡排了,上来的菜也都是温热的,一日午餐,营养都很均衡,完全没有便秘问题 感谢这里的所有人都在尽心地服务,kakak们疼爱我的“小木薯”是我最开心的事情,谢谢你们❤️

Đinh Thị Liêm

I’m feel so blessed and grateful to choose stay with WarmShine Confinement Centre ♥️ Truthfully, a big thanks to their team for being so caring and helpful in taking care of me and my baby. The overall experience has been very pleasant. The room is clean and cozy. The nurses are very professional, caring and attentive to baby which gives me a peace of mind to rest well. Food and beverages are well provided, nutritious and yummy.

High Stars